Our Journey Through Lent (Wednesday/Friday Services)

Every Lent, St. Peter Orthodox Church has two extra weekly services designed to aid us in our journey with Christ through this blessed Season of the Church.
Wednesdays 6 PM:
On Wednesdays we begin Vespers at 6 PM which is followed by a Lenten Pot Luck Supper and a Lenten themed teaching series. This year the series will be "The Kingdom of God is Like..." The focus of this series is upon a number of parables told by our Lord in the Gospels where He begins with those very words and begins to tell a parable describing the Kingdom of God to those who have ears to hear. It is through this series that we will endeavor to learn the truth about His Kingdom and adjust our lives to what He teaches that we may experience every blessing that He provides for those whom He has made citizens of the Kingdom of God.
Fridays 6 PM:
On Fridays we begin with Vespers at 6 PM followed by Stations of the Cross where we move from station to station beginning with the trial of our Lord Jesus Christ and ending with His burial. We journey together prayerfully with Christ to the Cross that we may experience the power of the Resurrection at Easter.
All are welcome and encouraged to come and join us as we journey with our Lord during this great and holy Season.