Holy Week Schedule 2020

The Holy Week Service Schedule for St. Peter Orthodox Church will be as follows:
Holy Monday. April 13th
Mass 6:00 PM, Live Stream Opens at 5:50 PM
Holy Tuesday, April 14th
Mass 6:00 PM, Live Stream Opens at 5:50 PM
Holy Wednesday, April 15th
Mass 6:00 PM, Live Stream Opens at 5:50 PM
Maundy Thursday & the Stripping of the Altar, April 16th
Mass 6:00 PM, Live Stream Opens at 5:50 PM
Good Friday, April 17th
Service at 6:00 PM, Live Stream Opens at 5:50 PM
Paschal Vigil, April 18th
Mass 8:00 PM, Live Stream Opens at 7:50 PM
Easter Sunday, April 19th
Matins 9:00 AM, Mass 9:30 AM, , Live Stream Opens at 8:50 PM