Men's Ministry

In this present age with so many temptations and distractions faced by men, the challenges are great both to be and to become a man after God’s own heart. What does it even mean to be a God-like man as a single person, as a husband, as a father, in the workplace, and as an active member of the Body of Christ?
The aim of our Men’s Ministry is to pursue the answers to these questions. In order to do so, we employ the following strategies:
The study of Holy Scripture
Exploring the lives of Godly men who have gone before us
Dedication to prayer
Living life together in a true brotherhood
Accountability that encourages true spiritual growth
In a time where true manhood seems to be diminishing, St. Peter Orthodox Church is dedicated to creating an environment for all men to experience the grace of our Lord toward becoming a man in the image and likeness of God.