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Holy Week Schedule 2021

The Holy Week Service Schedule for St. Peter Orthodox Church will be as follows:

Palm Sunday, April 25th

Matins 9 AM, Mass 9:30 AM

Holy Monday, April 26th

Mass 6 PM

Holy Tuesday, April 27th

Mass 6 PM

* Holy Wednesday: Blessing of the Oils & Holy Unction, April 28th

Mass 6 PM

* Maundy Thursday: Foot Washing Service, Procession to the Altar of Repose, & the Stripping of the Altar, April 29th

Mass 6 PM

* Good Friday, April 30th

Pre-Sanctified Mass 6 PM

Paschal Vigil, May 1st

Mass 8 PM

Easter Sunday, May 2nd

Matins 9 AM, Mass 9:30 AM

* Mass on Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, & Good Friday will be followed by the Tenebrae Service

Note: On Maundy Thursday and Good Friday there will be no overflow room available. Booth Hall, our fellowship hall, will be used for the Altar of Repose on those nights.


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